Student Leadership Intern (2021-2022)
This semester has been good overall with a few challenges, one of the main ones being COVID-19. We've done our best at reducing the risk of getting and spreading COVID through requiring masks during our functions, ensuring that we are spaced out when our masks are off (when we eat) and also by requiring participants for small group to be fully vaccinated. This semester has been challenging for students as they are adjusting from being online to being in-person. Through all of our events, we have had the opportunity of giving the students a place where they can rest and be reminded of their belovedness.
Leah McDonald, Student Leadership Intern
Leah McDonald, Student Leadership Intern
Greenville Wesley’s mission & vision
Greenville Wesley’s mission & vision statements revolve around proclaiming the Belovedness of students at ECU & PCC, & equipping students to create a Beloved community for each other. As a campus ministry, we hope to make our statements more than statements; we want to see our students grow! Over the next semester, Greenville Wesley has made a couple of goals to really enforce the role of Belovedness on our college campuses. We hope to have at least 15 students become knowledgeable to their Belovedness through Christ, & that at least five students will respond to this knowledge by having the desire to fully embrace their Belovedness. We also hope to increase student’s knowledge of what the Bible proclaims about Belovedness & how the students are able to apply this to themselves through weekly devotionals & other engagements.
Along with raising self-awareness of one’s Belovedness amongst the students, we will have additional plans. These plans include a Fall Kickoff to welcome students back to Greenville, Small Group Devotionals, & our regular Wesley Wednesday evening worship times; the regular weekly worship services will be held outside at The Retreat House (at St. James UMC in Greenville) rather than our regular spot at Great Harvest due to some challenges we may face with COVID-19. Small Group will continue, but we will be downsizing to just one rather than the two in the past. Sweeter Than Krispy Kreme will also continue this upcoming semester due to its popularity where we intend to dive into scripture. We hope to be able to reach more students this year through our extensive use of Zoom. Over the end of the Spring semester as well as the greater portion of this Summer, we were able to continue to hold our regular worship times & even add additional worship opportunities. Through this, we welcomed new students, & even got to see some alumni join us! This shows us that even during a pandemic, God is working through us to show students Belovedness.